I started off by cutting my shrink plastic into smaller pieces. I sprinkled a light amount of Brusho in different colors on each piece. The white plastic has a shiny side and a matte side- I'm working on the matte side.
I then spritzed them with water.
So cool! But we need to bear in mind that, as we are going to be shrinking this plastic, the colors are going to get darker! Since I wanted to make sure my stamped images showed up, I used a paper towel to remove some of the color.
Loving these colors!
I let these dry for quite a while and then stamped a couple images on each color and used a small hole punch (1/8") to make holes so I can sew my charms onto something later.
Here are my stamped images! The larger dragonfly is from Rubber Dance , the other two are from my collection and are so old they didn't have a name on them!
Next comes the shrinking. I use a heat gun but you can also use an oven (follow the temperature on the packaging). Be aware that as you warm the charm, it will crinkle up, and then flatten out. It's when it's flat that you know it's finished shrinking.
Here you can see how much they shrink!! You also get an idea of how the colors darken.
It really is addictive!
You can also draw your own designs- I love the effect of the Brusho backgrounds!
Have fun!
See you next time!