Happy New Year!
Hope this post finds you well. Did you get any new art materials to play with?
Some of my students have confessed recently they have received great quality paper and new paints but are too afraid to use it in case they spoil it. Well let this year be the year that you feel free to use the best materials you can when you create. Enjoy the beautiful paper and play with the best paints/inks/brusho that you can afford. Don't keep things for 'best' or some point in the future when you think you'll be able to paint better.
So for my blog this month I have picked a wonderful rough cotton watercolour paper, Colourcraft acrylic inks, Brusho and SprinkleIT to produce my winter dandelion seed head painting.
I drew out my design with a soft charcoal line
I then applied a wax stick all round the edges of each dandelion and for the stalks
The wax will smudge the charcoal and give a nice soft effect as well as preserve the white of the paper surface.
The wax will prevent the layers of ink from seeping into the dandelion shapes
I picked up the turquoise acrylic ink and brushed it onto the left hand side of the paper.
Whilst the ink was still wet I sprinkled in the Ultramarine Brusho and Black Brusho.
The colours blended into the ink a little so I helped them along with a dab of water on a brush
I continued this process around the whole background
I allowed areas to drip and move by tipping the paper at different angles.
For the centres of the dandelions I applied some water and sprinkled the Dark Brown Brusho
Onto the wet centre I spinkled the wonderful SprinkleIT iridescent gold powder.
The half seed head was finished off with a bit of dark brown Brusho as well as some individual little seed stalks that I painted in with white acrylic paint.
The little seed stalks also enhance the other dandelions as well as a few floating away in the breeze which adds a whimsical feel to the piece.
The stalks were painted with more white acrylic and the lovely rich copper acrylic ink by Colourcraft.
I few white paint splatters and voila.
Let us know what you think and if you have a go at creating your own wintery dandelion seed heads remember to treat yourself to the best materials you can afford and ENJOY!
This is absolutely stunning
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely stunning
ReplyDeleteWell done Rebecca !!
ReplyDeleteThis is magical, Rebecca! Jo x